Beef Herd Health Management Calendar
Floron C. Faries, Jr. - Extension Veterinarian Emeritis, RIP Buddy (09/11/2018)
Wayne H. Thompson - Extension Program Specialist, Retired
Texas AgriLife Extension Service


Go to Period 2. CalvingGo to Period 4. Pre-Breeding 
(1 to 3 months prior to breeding/turning in bulls)

Nursing calves

(less than 2 months of age)
  1. Physical Exams
    (behavior, navel)
  2. Nutritional evaluations
    (milk intake)
  3. Identification
    (ear tag, notch or tattoo)
  4. Castrate
    (knife or band)
  5. Dehorn
    (hot iron or tube)


  1. Physical Exams
    (body condition, udder, feet, teeth, eyes)
  2. Nutritional evaluations
    (energy, minerals, soil test results)