Beef Herd Health Management Calendar
Floron C. Faries, Jr. - Extension Veterinarian Emeritis, RIP Buddy (09/11/2018)
Wayne H. Thompson - Extension Program Specialist, Retired
Texas AgriLife Extension Service

Nutritional Evaluations

Pre-Calving, Post-Calving, and Pre-Breeding


  1. Analyzing Fecal Pads (3:06 min)
  2. Evaluating Pasture Conditions:
  3. Sampling Soil:
  4. Sampling Water:
  5. Sampling Hay (3:36 min)
  6. Storing Round Bales of Hay (4:07 min)
  7. Calibrating a Boom Sprayer (4:58 min)


  1. Composting Large Animal Carcasses - E-422
  2. Conservation of Soil Resources on Lands Used for Grazing - SCS-2002-06
  3. Description of Water Analysis Parameters SCS-2002-10
  4. Nitrogen Fertilizer: What Should I Use? - SCS-2002-09
  5. Nitrates and Prussic Acid in Forages - L5433
  6. Non-Traditional Soil Additives: Can They Improve Crop Production? - L5202
  7. Managing Crop Nutrients Through Soil, Manure and Effluent Testing - L-5175
  8. Managing Soil Acidity - SCS-2001-05
  9. Soil Acidity and Liming - SCS-2001-06
  10. Soil, Water and Forage Sample Submittal Forms (Link to On-Line Web Site)
  11. Testing Your Soil: How to Collect and Send Samples - L1793
  12. Using Animal Manure and Wastewater for Crops and Pastures - E-47
  13. What's in My Water? E-176


  1. Factors and Feeds for Supplementing Beef Cows - L-5354
  2. Supplemental Strategies for Beef Cattle - B-6067
  3. Mineral Supplementation of Beef Cows in Texas - B-6056
  4. Water Quality: Its Relationship to Livestock - L-2374


  1. Bahiagrass Utilization in East Texas - SCS-2001-12
  2. Bermudagrass Decline - SCS-2002-16
  3. Biological Nitrogen Fixation - SCS-2001-13
  4. Developing & Using a Forage System - SCS-2003-08
  5. Establishing Tifton 85 Bermudagrass
  6. Forage Establishment, Management, and Utilization Fundamentals - SCS-2003-07
  7. Forage Quality Photo Guide L-5359
  8. Forages for Texas - SCS-2002-14
  9. Forages: They're Good For Life - SCS-2001-07
  10. Matching Enterprises to Resources - SCS-2003-05
  11. Planting Winter Annual Legumes - SCS-2001-16
  12. Marketing Hay by Nutritive Value and Weight - SCS-2001-09
  13. Reducing Winter Feeding Costs - SCS-2000-23
  14. Sampling Hay Bales and Pastures for Forage Analysis E-148
  15. Stockpiling Bermudagrass/Bahiagrass for Fall/Winter Grazing
  16. Toxic Plants of Texas Database (Link to On-Line Web Site)
  17. Wildlife Forage Areas for White-Tailed Deer